viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Transsexuals, homosexuals, drug addicts, drunks, adulterers, sexual perverts, liars, slanderers and envious…

Transsexuals, homosexuals, drug addicts, drunks, adulterers, sexual perverts, liars, slanderers and envious…

We are all different and come from different backgrounds. For Jesus, we are all of great value because he is willing to receive us just as we are as long as we truly come with a broken and contrite heart before Him.

Jesus not only forgives to restore the life of a sinner, but by His Spirit, He makes a wonderful revolution in which we are uprooted from the darkness to be converted into children of God.

TRANSSEXUALS, HOMOSEXUALS AND DRUG ADDICTS: only Jesus has the power to destroy the works of the devil in our lives so we can be transformed in the hands of a God of love and grace.

DRUNKARDS, ADULTERERS, SEXUAL PERVERTS: Jesus shed His blood for you on the cross so that we are washed of all sins. He has the authority to deliver us from every addiction and sexual perversion. Those who have been forgiven of more sins are the ones who love the Lord the most for being forgiven.

LIARS, SLANDERERS AND ENVIOUS: in the eyes of God, any sin is sufficient to condemn us to be removed from communion with a God who is completely Holy and Pure, where evil can not dwell. God has shown His immeasurable grace by doing the greatest act of love anyone could ever do: become a man and pay the price that you and I deserve for living like enemies of God.

I have been forgiven by my Lord and testify (to you, the reader) that Jesus is real and that... He is alive! He is not hanging on a tree today in a religious temple. He has risen and all who receive him are also lifted up and leave death to receive eternal life. The old man/woman remains in the grave and a son of God rises to eternal life. Jesus Christ has the power to transform a sinner like me into a child of God. To God be the glory!

God knocks on the door of your heart. Open, repent, and surrender your life to Jesus. Do not go to hell for your disbelief and pride.

"But as many as received Him, He gave to them authority to become the children of God, to those who believe on His name.” John 1:12

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012


God did something amazing for me: HE SAVED ME FROM MYSELF. How did this happen?…(You might be asking) I DON´T HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE FOR LIVING LIKE AN ENEMY OF GOD: ETERNITY IN HELL. If you have sinned (lied, stolen, killed, dishonored your parents, have not put God in first place in your life, had other gods, envied, had improper sexual thoughts, had sexual relations outside of marriage) then you have also fallen short from the presence of God forever. I am not going to hell anymore; I am going to heaven. Do you want to know how? I invite you to read my testimony…


Dios hizo algo asombroso en mi: ME SALVÓ  DE MI MISMO. ¿Cómo es esto?...(te preguntarás) YO YA NO TENGO QUE PAGAR EL PRECIO POR VIVIR COMO ENEMIGO DE DIOS: LA ETERNIDAD EN EL INFIERNO. Si tú has pecado (mentido, robado, matado, deshonrado a tus padres, no has puesto a Dios en primer lugar en tu vida, has tenido otros dioses, envidiado, tenido pensamientos sexuales fuera del matrimonio, fornicado) entonces tú también estás destituido de la presencia de Dios para siempre. Yo ya no voy a ir al infierno; yo voy a ir al cielo. ¿Quieres saber cómo? Te invito a leer mi testimonio…