martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Seeking God Doesn´t Mean Singing a Song

Seeking God doesn't mean singing a song. Seeking God means to choose to leave all other worldly-fleshy things and sinful behavior in order to go after a God who is Holy and worthy of a heart that chooses Him instead. Singing to Him in His Presence then becomes the cherry on top.

Jesus rebuked those Pharisees who publicly prayed/fasted/worshiped as if that was doing God's will while they lived sinful lives at home.

Who were they trying to fool? ...Themselves and other men, but certainly not God.

So what are the popular worldly things that are so a part of our lives? Take the last movie/tv program that you watched: let's put it in front of what apostle Paul said:




"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."(Philippians 4:8 ESV)

You want to worship God in Spirit and Truth? Then let's repent and ask the Holy Spirit to bring conviction to our hearts. God's grace empowers us to live a holy life before God so we can seek Him and then, even sing a song truly in His Presence.

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